God created people equal – everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps 139:14)
As Christians, we are called to love, serve, and respect one another – love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 19:19)
We condemn injustice and seek – to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
We believe you overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21) and invite you to join us to unite, serve, and be transformed.
HIS Bridgebuilders- SA (HISBBSA) has earned a 2025 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By adding information about our goals, strategies, capabilities, and vision, we are highlighting the difference we help to make in the world. Check out our updated GuideStar #NonprofitProfile:
See our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar. (Now part of @CandidDotOrg)
Our 2024 Annual Report
Children & Adult Programs
Homework help and reading for children, Bible study, medical screening, Community Gatherings for all and parenting.
Become a BridgeBuilder Today!
Your support will help us continue the work God has shown us in helping build a better city


“a grant from the following fund(s)
John L. Santikos Charitable Foundation
May S. Duncan Charitable Fund
Almay M. Dyer Trust
Giesecke Memorial Trust Fund
Margorie N. Kaplan Children’s Charity Fund
Dan and Gloria Oppenheimer Fund
Gaynelle and Gene Rankin Endowment Trust
Ransom Allen Richards, Jr. Charitable Fund
San Antonio Clean Technology Forum Fund
Frances Margaret Seaver Fund
George Weldon Sheffield Fund
Simpson-Nooe Fund
Frank H. and Flora Paeltz Wolff Trusto
of the San Antonio Area Foundation.”